Over the past 2 years, we have discussed a long-range plan, titled “2020 Vision.” Early on, it became apparent that a huge thrust of this plan needed to address facility issues. After a space analysis study, it was determined that our priorities, based upon need, would be: *replacing the carpet in the sanctuary, *repairing the parking lot, *the elevator, *the heating and cooling system in the sanctuary and education building, *space for our growing children’s ministry, and *the overall appearance of our facilities.
The sanctuary carpet and parking lot became immediate issues due to their state of deterioration. Our recent harvest offering, along with capital improvement funds, will be able to address these needs in the near future (based upon warmer and dryer weather).
The elevator was inspected and found to be in good mechanical condition. Bottom line: it does not need to be replaced!
The heating and cooling system in the sanctuary and education building, and the space for our children’s ministry, are the remaining needs- and have become the focus of our 2020 Vision. It is the recommendation of our Leadership and Finance Teams that we begin the process of raising the funds to complete these projects. Since an upgrade in the heating and cooling system would involve extensive work in the buildings, the recommendation is that the Education Building be gutted and remodeled to be more efficient for our ministry needs.
The new first floor, shown below, will house an expanded foyer (which involves the enclosing of the breezeway between the Education Building and the Sanctuary), a new choir suite, remodeled bathrooms and a remodeled and expanded preschool area.
The new second floor, shown below, will be solely dedicated to our children’s ministry. It will include a large-room general assembly room and multiple classrooms.
The new third floor, show below, will move the hallway to the middle of the floor and have classrooms on each side that will be used for adults. Also, bathrooms will be added to this floor.
The estimated price of this remodel is $2.5 million. This is a large sum of money, but we believe that it can be raised in a capital-campaign over a three-year period.
In order to meet the goal, it will require sacrificial giving, above our regular tithe and offering. Our capital campaign consultant called it “equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.” To help put $2.5 million in perspective, consider these examples:
200 families at $25 a week for 3 years = $780,000
100 families at $25 a week for 3 years = $390,000
100 families at $100 a week for 3 years = $1,560,000
50 families at $100 a week for 3 years = $780,000
50 families at $50 a week for 3 years = $390,000
If you combine any of these examples to total 200 families (roughly the number of families in the church), you can see that $2.5 million is possible.
At the conclusion of our service on November 18, we will vote to begin the capital campaign in early 2019, with a conclusion on May 4. During the campaign, much more information will be given, but we want to answer any questions you have at this time. A Question and Answer Forum was held Wednesday, November 7. Should you have remaining questions, please feel free to contact Bro. Clint or any of our Leadership Team.
Leadership Team members include: Pam McLeod, Roy Harris, Bobby Barton, Lori McGraw, Bill McGraw, Richard Pickens, John Donaldson, and Jimmy Phillips.
The challenge for now is to PRAY! Pray for the Lord’s will to be done. Believing that His will involves this project, the Leadership Team asks for you to begin praying about how you can give sacrificially in support of this project.
The Leadership Team will continue to work on the 2020 Vision, now being able to focus upon ministry needs. Be listening for further information and plans.