What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in! People wear anything from coat and tie to business casual to jeans. It is okay if you leave the suit and tie or high heel shoes at home!
How will I know where to go?
Parking is provided next to the church off Grand Avenue. If you are arriving for Sunday School, greeters are stationed inside the Education Building entrance, which faces the parking lot. This is also the entrance for all nursery and preschool care during all services. If you are arriving for Sunday worship and do not need childcare, the main entrance to the sanctuary is located off Grand Avenue. If you have questions, grab the first person you see and they will help you get where you want to go.
Our Wednesday service is held in the Fellowship Hall, with its main entrance off Jackson Avenue.
What about my children?
We provide a safe, caring, and age- appropriate environment for children during all of our services. The preschool and children’s area is located on the first floor of the Education Building. During the worship service, childcare is provided for children age 5 years and below. The student ministry page provides further information.
What do you have for teenagers?
Teenagers are a high priority for FBC. Our student ministry area is located in the Activities Building, with its main entrance off Jackson Avenue. Students meet in this area for Sunday School and Wednesday services.
Will I have to say, sign, or give anything?
If you are our guest, we won’t ask you to give a dime. We don’t make you wear a guest badge or stand up in front of everyone. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to, but we do have a guest form you can elect to fill out if you want more information. We encourage you to visit our church over several weeks to see what’s going on at First Baptist.
Will I be singled out in any way?
Absolutely not! We want to create a comfortable atmosphere for you to intersect with God. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we hope you find FBC a safe place to grow with God and connect with others,
What do you teach?
FBC has always been known for faithfully preaching the Word of God. We do not change the message to fit the culture or to attract people. We preach and teach the Word, faithful to the inerrant text. God’s Word is powerful. It convicts hearts and changes lives. It even offends some, but no matter the outcome, we will stay true to the Word. Our church is united around the Word as we all listen to and are challenged to obey the Truth week by week.
How do I join First Baptist Church?
You become a member of First Baptist through baptism, statement of faith, or transfer of letter. If you are interested in becoming a member, you are encouraged to speak to a ministerial staff member.